Welcome to the online home of the West Shore Photography Club.  The purpose of the West Shore Photography Club is to promote photography in central Pennsylvania.

Meetings are held online (via Zoom) approximately every other Monday night at 7pm.  A schedule of planned club activities is published on our “Calendar of Events” located under the “Calendar” tab at the top of this page.

You can join the club by clicking on the “Dues: Join/Renew” tab” at the top of this page and following the directions provided. 

Club membership also entitles you to join our Facebook Group—where members share photos, dialogue about photography, and keep abreast of club activities:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/westshorephotographyclub

If you would like to attend a few online meetings as a guest, simply email President Dennis Baker and ask to be added to the email distribution list.  His email address is:  Dennis@DennisBakerPhoto.com.  (Links to meetings are distributed via email.)


Visit the club's YouTube channel to view video recordings of recent meetings:  WSPC YouTube Channel


Release and Waiver of Liability

In consideration of being permitted to participate in any in-person events, such as field trips, meet-ups or other West Shore Photography Club (“WSPC”) activities, you--as a club member or a guest:

1. Acknowledge, accept and agree that you understand the nature of the activity and that you are qualified and in proper physical condition to participate in such activity.  You further acknowledge that the activity may involve certain hazards and warrant that if at any time you believe the conditions to be unsafe, you will immediately discontinue further participation in the activity.  Participation in all club activities is entirely voluntary.

2. Fully understand that participation in activities may involve risks and danger of bodily injury or infection or death and may also involve risk of damage to or loss of equipment.  There may be other risks, social or economic losses either not known to you or not foreseeable at this time, and you fully accept and assume all such risks and responsibility for losses, costs and damages you incur as a result of your participation in the activity.

3. Acknowledge that the WSPC does not provide health insurance, accident insurance, or any other kind of insurance for participants such as you, and you understand that any and all medical expenses, property loss(es) and other personal expenditures that occur or result before, during or after this event/activity, including the travel to and from the event/activity, are to be borne solely by you, as the participant, or by your parent or legal guardian (if you are a minor).

4. Agree that images shared with WSPC may be published in club-related media.  This may include:  digital projection, internet publication, contest entry or other forms.  Electronically and physically shared images may be vulnerable to harm or piracy.  WSPC is not responsible for any damage to images, unauthorized use of images, or litigation that may result from such use.

5. Agree to release, indemnify, hold harmless and agree not to sue the WSPC, its directors, agents, administrators, committee members, and each and every land owner upon whose property an activity is conducted from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages arising from your participation in club activities.  You further agree that if, despite this Release and Waiver of Liability, you or anyone on your behalf, makes a claim against any of the above-named parties, you will indemnify, save and hold them harmless from any litigation expenses, loss or cost which may be incurred as the result of such claim.

6. Authorize any medical treatment deemed necessary by a medically-qualified person--should any injury or illness be incurred in the course of participating in any activity and you are incapacitated and unable to make decisions for myself.  You either have appropriate insurance or, in its absence agree to pay all costs of rescue or medical services incurred on my behalf.  

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